Get these presentations:

Document security application of Lippmann photography:

The Lippmann Optical Variable Device (Lippmann OVD)

 The history of Lippmann photography (1891 - 1910)

  Modern Lippmann photography (1995 - 2010)

PowerPoint Presentations on Lippmann Photography:

       Darran Green, Lippmann photographer, Bury St Edmunds, UK

Paper on Lippmann Photography

The True Colour of Photography

by Hans Bjelkhagen and Darran Green

It is possible to record modern Lippmann photographs without using a mercury reflector. Instead the Fresnel reflection between the emulsion and air is sufficient, with the plate located in a special dark slide.  This makes it much more practical (and safer) to record modern Lippmann photographs including large plates. 

Chapter 2 in the Ultra-Relistic Imaging book idevoted to Lippmann photography with  detailed information about old and modern Lippmann photography.


            a                                     b                                 c

Lippmann photographic plate illuminated and observed in different ways:

a.     Negative reflected image seen when illumination and observation are not perpendicular
b.     Positive red image seen in transmitted illumination caused by colloidal silver particles
c.     Colour reflected image seen when illumination and observation are perpendicular  

Gabriel Lippmann (1845 - 1921)

     1908 Nobel Physics Prize 

The original recording of a Lippmann photograph using a 

mercury reflector in direct contact with the emulsion. 

The Principle of Lippmann Photography