Hans Bjelkhagen is a Bowater Holographics Limited Adviser and a Director of Bowater Holographic Research Limited

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Books and Chapters in Books:
1. H. I. Bjelkhagen, Silver halide recording materials for holography and their processing, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol. 66, (Springer 1993)
ISBN: 3-540-56576-0 and 0-387-56576-0

2.   H. I. Bjelkhagen, Silver halide recording materials for holography and their processing, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol. 66, 2nd Edition (Springer 1995)     ISBN: 3-540-58619-9

3. H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Color holograms,” Chapter II:1, in Holography for the New Millennium, J. Ludman, J., H. J. Caulfield,  J. Riccobono, eds., (Springer-Verlag 2002) pp.13-35.                               
ISBN: 0-387-95334-5

4.      H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Denisyuk holography: from Lippmann photography to color holography,” Chapter 11, in The Art and Science of Holography: A Tribute to Emmett Leith and Yuri Denisyuk, H.J. Caulfield, ed., SPIE Monograph PM124 (SPIE Press 2004) pp.173-200. ISBN: 0-8194-5019-7

5.      H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Improved optical document security techniques based on volume holography and Lippmann photography,” Chapter I9, in Optical Imaging
Sensors and Systems or Homeland Security Applications, B. Javidi ed., (Springer-Verlag 2006) pp.385-400.
ISBN: 0-387-26170-2

6.     H. I. Bjelkhagenand David Brotherton-Ratcliffe, Ultra-Realistic Imaging, Advanced Techniques in Analogue and Digital Colour Holography(CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group 2013)
ISBN: 978-1-4398-2799-4

7.     H. I. Bjelkhagen,Holography and Philately, Postage Stamps with Holograms (Xlibris 2014) 
ISBN: 978-1-4931-3049-8

​Editor of SPIE Milestone Volumes

1.     H. I. Bjelkhagen, Selected papers on Holographic Recording Materials. SPIE Milestone Series Volume MS130, Bellingham, WA, USA (November 1996).
ISBN: 0-8194-2371-8

2.     H. I. Bjelkhagenand H. J. Caulfield, Selected papers on Fundamental Techniques in Holography. SPIE Milestone Series Volume MS171, Bellingham, WA, USA (December 2001).
​ISBN: 0-8194-4334-4

Refereed Articles:

1.    L. Wictorin, H. I. Bjelkhagen and N. H. Abramson, “Holographic investigation of the elastic deformation of defective gold solder joints,” Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 30, 659-670 (1972). 

2    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Simplified interpretation of interference fringes obtained by time average holography,” Optics and Laser Technology 5, 172-175 (August 1973). 

3.    N. H. Abramson and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Praktische Hologrammetrie,” Werkstattstechnik, Zeitschrift für Industrielle Fertigung 63, (No.9), 569-571 (September 1973). 

4.    N. H. Abramson, and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Industrial holographic measurements,” Applied Optics 12, 2792-2796 (December 1973). 

5.    P. Wedendal and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Dental holographic interferometry in vivo utilizing a ruby laser system,” Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 32, 131-145 (1974).

 6.    H. Rydén, H. I. Bjelkhagen and P. Ö. Söder, “The use of laser beams for measuring tooth mobility and tooth movement: an in vitro study,” Journal of Periodontology 45, 283-287 (May 1974).  

7.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Holographic time average vibration study of a structure dynamic model of an airplane fin,” Optics and Laser Technology 6, 117-123 (June 1974). 

8.    P. Wedendal, H. Alfredsson, H. I. Bjelkhagen and L. Niia, “The tolerance within a special screw lock system determined by means of laser metrology,” Scientific Educational Bulletin VII, (No.1), 27-30 (1974).  

​9.    P. Wedendal and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Holographic interferometry on the elastic deformation of prosthodontic appliances as simulated by bar elements,” Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 32, 189-199 (1974).

10.    P. Wedendal and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Dynamics of human teeth in function by means of double pulsed holography: an experimental investigation,” Applied Optics 13, 2481-2485 (November 1974). (Paper featured on the cover of the journal).

11.    P. Wedendal and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Dental holographic interferometry in vivo utilizing a ruby laser system. II. Clinical applications,” Acta Odontologica Skandinavica 32, 345-356 (1974).

12.    H. Rydén, H. I. Bjelkhagen and P. Ö. Söder, “The use of laser beams for measuring tooth mobility and tooth movements,” Journal of Periodontology 46, 421-425 (July 1975). 

13.    B. Lyne, H. Haglund and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Control of machine calender roll diameter with air showers an experimental investigation,” Swedish Paper Journal 79, (No.8), 251-258 (May 1976).

14.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Pulsed sandwich holography,” Applied Optics 16, 1727-1731 (June 1977).

15.    N. H. Abramson and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Pulsed sandwich holography. 2.: practical application,” Applied Optics 17, 187-191, (15 January 1978).

16.    B. Hök, K. Nilsson and H. I.  Bjelkhagen, “Imaging of chest motion due to heart action by means of holographic interferometry,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 16, 363-368 (July 1978).

17.    H. Rydén, H. I. Bjelkhagen and U. Sandström, “A laser instrument for measuring tooth movements,” Journal of Periodontology 50, 265-269 (May 1979).

18.    N. H. Abramson, H. I. Bjelkhagen and P. Skande, “Sandwich holography for storing information interferometrically with a high degree of security,” Applied Optics 18, 2017-2021 (15 June 1979).

19.    N. H. Abramson and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Sandwich hologram interferometry. 5: measurement of in plane displacement and compensation of rigid body motion,” Applied Optics 18, 2870-2880 (15 August 1979).

20.    N. H. Abramson and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Deformation, displacement and vibration investigations in manufacturing applications using a new hologram interferometry technique,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 1, 51-68 (1980).  

21.    H. I. Bjelkhagen and F. Sundström, “A clinically applicable laser luminescence method for the early detection of dental caries,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics Volume QE 17, (No.12), 226-228 (December 1981).  

22.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, F. Sundström, B. Angmar Månsson and H. Rydén, “Early detection of enamel caries by the luminescence exited by visible laser light,” Swedish Dental Journal 6, 1-7 (1982).

23.    H. Rydén, H. I. Bjelkhagen and B. Mårtensson, “Tooth position measurements on dental casts using holographic images,” American Journal of Orthodontics 81, 310-313 (April 1982).

24.    H. Rydén, H. I. Bjelkhagen and P. Ö. Söder, “Movements of healthy and periodontally involved teeth measured with laser reflection technique,” Journal of Periodontology 53, 439-445 (July 1982). 

25.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, F. Pouyat, P. Kasper, E. Miranda, R. Sekulin, W. Venus and L. Walton, “Test of high resolution two beam holography in a model of the big European bubble chamber, BEBC,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 220, 300-308 (March 1984).

26.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, G. Harigel, F. Pouyat, W. Seidl, C. Baltay, M. Bregman, F. Eisler, M. Hibbs,  A. Schaffer, R. Cence, B. Brucker and T. J. Hart, “Holographic recording of cosmic ray tracks in BEBC,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 227, 437-451 (1984).

27.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Pulsed fiber holography: a new technique for hologram interferometry,” Optical Engineering 24, 645-649 (July August 1985).

28.    G. Harigel, C. Baltay, M. Bregman, M. Hibbs, A. Schaffer, H. I. Bjelkhagen, J. Hawkins, W. Williams, P. Nailor, R. Michaels, and H. Akbari, “Pulse stretching in a Q switched ruby laser for bubble chamber holography,” Applied Optics 25, 4102-4110 (15 November 1986).

29    H. Akbari, and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Pulsed holography for particle detection in bubble chambers,” Optics and Laser Technology 19, 249-255 (October 1987). (Paper featured on the cover of the journal).

30.    M. Friedman, H. I. Bjelkhagen, and M. Epstein, “Endoholography in medicine,” Journal of Laser Applications 1, 40-44 (1988).

31.    R. Miller, S. Shah, and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Crack profiles in mortar measured by holographic interferometry,” Experimental Mechanics 28, 388-394 (December 1988).

32.    R. Naon, H. I. Bjelkhagen, R. Burnstein, and R. Voyvodic, “A system for viewing holograms,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A283, 24-36 (1989).

33.    K. Spears, J. Serafin,  N. H. Abramson, X. Zhu, and H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Chrono-coherent imaging for medicine,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 36, (No.12), 1210-1221 (December 1989).

34.    H. Bingham, J. Lys, L. Verluyten, S. Willocq, J. Moreels, K. Geissler, G. Harigel, D. R. O. Morrison, F. Bellinger, H. I.  Bjelkhagen, H. Carter, J. Ellermeier, J. Foglesong, J. Hawkins, J. Kilmer, T. Kovarik, W. Smart, J. Urbin, L. Voyvodic, E. Wesly, W. Williams, R. Cence, M. Peters, R. Burnstein, R. Naon, P. Nailor, M. Aderholz, G. Corrigan, R. Plano, R. L. Sekulin, S. Sewell, B. Brucker, H. Akbari, R. Milburn, D. Passmore and J. Schneps, “E-632 Collaboration: Holography of particle tracks in the Fermilab 15-Foot Bubble Chamber,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A297, 364-389 (December 1990).  

35.    N. H. Abramson, H. I. Bjelkhagen, and H. J. Caulfield, “The ABCs of space-time-coherence recording in holography,” Journal of Modern Optics 38, 1399-1406 (July 1991).

36.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, J. Chang, K. Moneke, “High-resolution contact Denisyuk holography,” Applied Optics 31, 1041-1047 (March 10, 1992).

37.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Holographic portraits made by pulse lasers,” Leonardo 25, 443-448 (1992).

38.    G. von Bally, D. Vuki?evi?, N. Demoli, H. I. Bjelkhagen, G. Wernicke, U. Dahms,  H. Gruber, and W.  Sommerfeld, “Holography and holographic pattern recognition for preservation and evaluation of cultural-historic sources,” Naturwissenschaften 81, 563-565 (1994). 

39.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, T. H. Jeong, and D. Vuki(evi(, “Color reflection holograms recorded in a ultrahigh-resolution single-layer silver halide emulsion,” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 40, 134-146 (1996). 

40.    T. H. Jeong, H. I. Bjelkhagen, and L. Spoto, “Holographic interferometry with multiple wavelengths,” Applied Optics 36, 3686-3688 (June 1, 1997). (Paper featured on the cover of the journal).

41.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “New optical security device based on one-hundred-year-old photographic technique,” Optical Engineering 38, (No.1), 55-61 (January 1999).

42.    M. Aderholz, M. M.  Aggarwal, H. Akbari, P. P. Allport, S. K. Badyal, H. C. Ballagh, M. Barth, J. .Baton, H. H.  Mingham, H. I. Bjelkhagen, E. B. Brucker, R. A. Burnstein, J. R. Campbell, R. J. Cence, T. K.  Chatterjee, E. F. Clayton, G. Corrigan, C. Coutures, D. DeProspo, E. A. Devanand,  A. De Wolf, P. J. W. Faulkner, H. Foeth, W. B. Fretter, K. Geissler, V. K. Gupta, J. Hanlon,  G. G. Harigel, F. A. Harris, J. Hawkins, M. A. Jabiol, P. Jacques, G. T. Jones, M. D. Jones, T. Kafka, M. Kalelkar, P. Kasper, J. M. Kohli, E. L. Koller, R. J. Krawiec, M. Lauco, . E. Lys, P. Marage, R.H. Milburn, D. B. Miller, I. S. Mittra, M. M. Mobayyen, J. Moreels, D. R. O. Morrison, G. Myatt, R. Naon, A, Napier, P. Naylor, M. Neveu, D. Passmore, .W. D. Peters, V. Z. Peterson, V.Z., D. Plano, N. K. Rao, H. A.  Rubin, J., Sacton, S. S. Sambyal, N. Schmitz, J. Schneps, R. L. Sekulin, S. Sewell, J. B. Singh, W. Smart, P. Stamer, K. E.  Varvell, L. Verluyten, L. Voyvodic, H. Wachsmuth, S. Wainstein, W. Williams, S. Willocq and G. P. Yost, “E-632 Collaboration: A measurement of the holographic minimum-observable beam branching ration in the FERMILAB 15-ft bubble chamber,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A421, 1-11 (January 1999).  

43.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Lippmann photography: reviving an early colour process,” History of Photography 23, (No.3), 274-280 (Autumn 1999).

44.    J. M. Kim, B. S. Choi, B.S., S. I. Kim, J. M. Kim, H. I. Bjelkhagen, and N. J. Phillips, “Holographic optical elements recorded in silver halide sensitized gelatin emulsions: Part I. Transmission holographic optical elements,” Applied Optics 40, 622-632, (February 10, 2001).

45.    J. K. Kim, B.S. Choi, Y. S. Choi, J. M. Kim, H. I. Bjelkhagen, and N. J. Phillips, “Holographic optical elements recorded in silver halide sensitized gelatin emulsions: Part 2. Reflection holographic optical elements,” Applied Optics 41, 1522-1533 (March 10, 2002). (Paper featured on the cover of the journal).

46.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Lippmann photography: its history and recent development,” The Photo Historian, Journal of the Historical Group of the Royal Photographic Society, APIS 2002 Special double edition, PH.141-142, pp.11- 19 (2003).

47.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Lippmann Photography: A highly innovative OVD based on existing photographic techniques,” Keesing's Journal of Documents 1, Issue 2 (2003).

48.    H. I. Bjelkhagen and Evangelos Mirlis, “Color holography to produce highly realistic three-dimensional images,” Applied Optics 47, A123 – A133 (No. 4, February 1, 2008). (Paper featured on the cover of the journal).

49.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Denisyuk color holography for display, documentation and measurement,” Journal of Holography and Speckle 5, (No.1) 33-41 (2009).

50.    H. I. Bjelkhagen and J. Cook, “Colour holography of the oldest known work of art from Wales,” The British Museum Technical Research Bulletin 4, 87-94 (2010).

51.    H. I. Bjelkhagen, “Colour holography: the ultimate 3D imaging technique,” The Imaging Science Journal 5, (2) 83-89 (2011).

Master of Science, 1969 at the Royal Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden.

Ph.D., Production Engineering, Industrial Metrology, 1978, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.


2014 - Present                       Director and Adviser

Bowater Holographics Ltd, London, UK

2013 - Present                                     Consultant 
Hansholo Consulting Ltd, Dyserth, Wales. UK   

2010 - Present                        Professor Emeritus
Interferential Imaging Sciences, Glyndwr University, Wrexham      

2004 - 2010                                           Professor 
Interferential Imaging Sciences, Glyndwr University, Wrexham and OpTIC, Centre for Modern Optics, St Asaph, Wales, UK    

2001 - 2004                                          Professor 

Interferential Imaging Sciences,                         De Montfort University, Modern Optics, Leicester, England, UK    

1997 - 2001                       Senior Research Fellow

Modern Optics, De Montfort University, Leicester, England, UK    


1996 - 1997                  Visiting Research Scientist 

Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL, USA.


1994 - 1995                          Vice President - R&D   American Propylaea Corp., Birmingham, MI, USA.   


1992 - 1994                              Visiting Professor 

University of Münster, Germany.        

1985 - 1992                            Associate Professor 

Biomedical Engineering,  Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA.    

1985, 1991 (6 months each)    Associate Professor  

Applied Photonics, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France.    


1984 - 1985                Visiting Research Associate 

Fermi National Accelerator Lab, Batavia, IL, USA.  


1983 - 1984                Visiting Research Associate 

CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Geneva, Switzerland.    

1987 - 1983              Associate Research Professor 

Production Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.    


1969 - 1987                             Research Assistant 

Production Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.


Optical Society of America (OSA) 

International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Fellow of the Society, July 2001
SPIE Holography Technical Group Chairman since 2001 

The Royal Photographic Society (RPS) ASIS FRPS (Accredited Senior Imaging Scientist and Fellow of Society) 2000 - 2001
RPS 3D Imaging and Holography Group Chairman since 2005
Adviser to HOLOGRAPHY NEWS, the international business newsletter of the holography industry.


The Royal Photographic Society SAXBY AWARD, October 11, 2001    

The Denisyuk Medal, D.S. Rozhdestvensky OPTICAL SOCIETY, Russia. September 29, 2011

Selected publications

Hans Bjelkhagen's CV